..::It's Me::..

Daisypath Wedding tickers


Sunday, November 30, 2008

...Bowling Time...

hye guys....
ari khamis ritu, ktrg ader bowling tournament...
department ktrgnyer....
tp tu la xsyok coz guna duit department
but xsume dpt main...
xbest arr cenggini...
kan bagus lau wat makan2...
i suka....huhuhu

tp xpe la...ktrg bedal la...
so, leh gilir2 ngan org len...
agar sume dpt main....
tp tu la, score ku x tinggi...geramnye...
lgpun tangan sakit coz, 2 ari sblm tu
ktrg dh g main bowling....

layaaaan ajer laa...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

~I'm back~

well, after a few weeks xtulis blog...
now, i'm back....
byk citer sbnrnyer yg nk di citerkan...
tp xder mase jer...
kat ofis, bz gle....blk umah dh mlm...

weekend pun keje...tp keje still xsiap gak...
ntah aper2 ntah..tu yg rase dh lama xupdate blog ni...

maser bulan syawal tu byk gak la dpt jemputan
g open hse....tp smpt g a few jer...
tu pun sbb byk yg bertindan...n jauh sgt....

xtau nk mkn aperr ker ayah???
ibu, ayah n me of course tgh menjamu selera...

papa n mama tgh makan....
suap lg papa..huhuhu

end of october, me, klin, ksa n ida plan nk g melaka...
sajer...cuti2 malaysia...

n on d way blk tu...plan nk g singgah nilai...
tp tiba2, dat friday dpt msg dr ida...dia mybe x dpt p
sbb kakak die skt...
mmg frust gle arr mase tu...

dh lah tgh tension kat ofis...
ingat nk g release tension tu kat sana...
tp tu la mybe xder rezeki...

muka budak2 poyo...kat cameron

on d way to tapah

and then we all plan nk g cameron lak...

cuti2 kat tpt sejuk..konon2 kat negeri omputih laa...hehehe

lam bilik

mula2 plan nk g early november...tp ader jer halangan...
klin nk balik kg la d first week...
pastu, my dad masuk hospital tuk 2nd operation for hernia...

mcm2 arr halangan..
so, we all plan nk g on the 15th.....

dh booking the hotel n everything...
dpt tau lak yg we all nyer company sports day is on the 15th....
aduiss...dh la i dah janji ngan my team mate yg i akan
participate tuk track n field..my fav sports...
mcm2 alasan arr we all bg...

rase bersalah pun ye gak...
sori yer guys...

lau u all bg tau awal2, n we all pun xbooking hotel lagi...
sure we all akan participate...
xper...next year ader lagi kan..tu pun lau pjg umur...

n we all masih kejer kat ctu...huhuhu...

tgh menikmati strawberry coklat yg tersgt best..
hahaha...budak2 paling poyo...

mmg enjoy btul la kat sana...
rase cam xnk blk jer....
tp nk wat camner..kena blk gak mengadap kejer2 kat ofis tu...

oh yer...before i'm signing off....
i'm showing off my car (as promised)...huhuhu...
my new BIBO...

From yesterday, we learned for today, and today we prepared for tomorrow

Because yesterday has already passed, and today surely doesn’t promise a successful day

And tomorrow will decide our future if we are prepared today!!!

Every roses has its thorn!

So remember, nobody is PERFECT…!!!