..::It's Me::..

Daisypath Wedding tickers


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Balik Kampung

Last week, masa wesak hari tu, sy bawa kawan2 g jalan2 kat Kuala Besut & Kota Bharu...syiok gak la tgk diorg ni shopping...
Diorg stay kat umah kasma kat Kuala Besut....
Lagipun umah nenek sy dah ramai sgt dah org...sian lak kat tokwan lau nk layan tetamu ramai2...biasa la org tua...hehehe...k la, just want to upload a few pics...

From yesterday, we learned for today, and today we prepared for tomorrow

Because yesterday has already passed, and today surely doesn’t promise a successful day

And tomorrow will decide our future if we are prepared today!!!

Every roses has its thorn!

So remember, nobody is PERFECT…!!!